
New Years Eve 2024 Image

What is your intention for 2024?

A new year is a fresh chapter in life. We turn the page from the previous year, and move forward to embrace the next. We think it’s important to create your intentions—your hopes, dreams and plans for the new year.

5 Ways Scrolling is Ruining Your Sleep

We manage so many of our daily wants and needs through our smartphones; they’re our everything. With all of our favorite shows, games, memes, music, news, podcasts, and other important apps available 24/7, it’s tempting to

5 Tips to Help You Prep for the Holidays

Thanksgiving kicks off the busy holiday season and it’s full steam ahead until Christmas.  With less than a month to get everything done, you’ll want to make sure you plan ahead to avoid unnecessary stress.  Even

How to add luck to your life

Do you know people that seem to have all the luck? Ever wonder why you aren’t a lucky person? Turns out that you can make your own luck, which is what other lucky people do. It

5 Steps for Goal Setting

Are you one who sets goals to start off a new year? If so, do you have your 2022 goals done? If not, these steps may help you set and achieve your goals. If you’ve already

Vision 2020 Convention: Day 3

We started off our final day with Steve and Michelle Wallach providing a quick summary of events so far, and stressing the importance of identifying your WILL and following through on your goals after convention. What


Day two began with Steve and Michelle Wallach expressing how proud they are of our Better Health Challenge winners—these folks have certainly identified their why and found the WILL to make their health goals happen. What a great example

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